Rio Brazos Audubon takes an active role in public education with free presentations, meetings, and field trips open to the public. We share our experience and knowledge- from beginners to advanced birders, adults or children- to increase appreciation of, and community involvement with our local birds and environment. We also perform bird surveys on private lands, monitor a Bluebird nest box trail, maintain a chimney swift tower and butterfly garden at Lick Creek Park, and organize annual bird counts.
We are a non-profit corporation with tax exempt status and an independent Chapter of the National Audubon Society. We are governed by an elected volunteer Board of Directors, with critical input from Committee Chairs.
By becoming a supporting member of The Rio Brazos Audubon Society you help pay for honorariums to our speakers, provide materials for projects, and cover printing costs for informational materials. With your support we hope to be able to take on more projects that might make a difference for birds and other critters in our area.
To become a supporting member of Rio Brazos Audubon, please send your dues of $20 (for an individual or family, or $15 for students and Veterans) with the form provided below or pay your dues online.
or please download and fill out your name, address, phone number and email address:
Membership Form to Include: Download and Print Here
Rio Brazos Audubon Society
P.O. Box 9055
College Station, TX 77842
or give them to our treasurer at a meeting. This money is used to pay honorariums to our speakers, provide materials for projects such as our Bluebird nest box trails, a Chimney Swift tower, and to cover printing costs for informational materials. With your support we hope to be able to take on more projects that might make a difference for birds and other critters in our area.
Email us to join our Rio Brazos Audubon Google Group.