1998 Checklist of Central Brazos Valley birds by Bert Frenz
Places to Bird
Brazos County
Lick Creek Park
Brison Park
Brother’s Pond Park
Finfeather Lake
Lake Bryan
Peach Creek Ponds
Cox Cemetery (off FM159 south of Millican)
Allen Farm (FM159 south of Millican)
Burleson County
Horizon (Wilcox) Turf Farms
Grimes County
Gibbons Creek Reservoir
Washington County
Lake Somerville
Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historical Site
Lee County
Lake Somerville
Birding Organizations
Texas Birding Links
Birds of the Central Brazos Valley
Birding Identification Links
Xeno-canto: Sharing bird sounds from around the world
Other Links
Brazos County Wildlife Rehabilitators